Quantum Computing vs Energy Efficient Computing

October 25, 2021

Quantum Computing vs Energy Efficient Computing

Welcome to our comparison between Quantum Computing and Energy Efficient Computing!

Computers are an essential part of our everyday lives, and as technology advances, we're able to achieve more with our machines. Quantum Computing and Energy Efficient Computing are two fields that focus on enhancing computer performance. However, these two areas are vastly different, and in this post, we will compare the differences between them.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing involves the study of quantum mechanics to develop computer technology. It's based on the principles of quantum theory, which allows for a more efficient processing system. Traditional computers use bits to process data, whereas quantum computers use qubits. Qubits can exist in multiple states, and this property allows them to perform several calculations simultaneously, leading to faster processing.

In 2019, Google demonstrated that its Quantum computer was 3 minutes and 20 seconds faster than the fastest supercomputer in the world, Summit, at solving a complex encryption problem. The time taken by the Quantum computer was 200 seconds, whereas the Summit took 3 minutes and 20 seconds. This demonstrated the vast difference in performance between traditional and quantum computers.

Energy Efficient Computing

Energy efficient computing, or green computing, refers to the use of environmentally sustainable technology to reduce carbon footprint and energy consumption. The aim of energy-efficient computing is to achieve the same level of computer performance while consuming less power. This is achieved through the use of optimized software, hardware, and the design of the computer systems.

A typical computer uses around 300 watts of power. However, energy-efficient computers consume less than 8 watts of power. This power-saving potential has resulted in savings of millions of dollars in energy bills for large companies worldwide.


In terms of computing power, Quantum Computing is unbeatable. It has the ability to perform calculations much faster than traditional computers. However, Quantum Computing is still at a developmental stage, and its application to practical problems is yet to be realized. Energy-efficient computing, on the other hand, is practical and has been adopted by several companies worldwide.

In terms of energy consumption, Energy-efficient computing takes the lead. Quantum Computing systems require the use of vast amounts of energy, and their maintenance is expensive. A Quantum Computer requires specialized equipment that is cooled to near-absolute-zero, making their production environmentally unsustainable.


In conclusion, Quantum Computing and Energy Efficient Computing are two vastly different technologies that cater to different computer performance needs. While Quantum Computing has limitless potential, its development is still ongoing, and tangible applications are yet to be realized. On the other hand, energy-efficient computing has been adopted on a large scale by companies worldwide due to its practicality and environmentally sustainable capabilities.

We hope that this comparison has been informative in enlightening you on the differences between Quantum Computing and Energy-efficient computing.


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